Katy Perry - Hot N Cold

You change your mind 你變心
Like a girl changes clothes 就像女孩換衣服
Yeah you, PMS 對阿 你根本就有經前症侯群
Like a bitch 就像個賤貨
I would know 我早就知道了

And you always think 你總是覺得
Always speak correctivelly 你說的永遠是對的
I should know 我早該知道
That you're no good for me 你對我一點都不好

◎Cause you're hot then you're cold 你一下熱情 一下冷淡
You're yes then you're no 你一下說好 一下說不好
You're in then you're out 你一下這樣一下那樣
You're up then you're down 你一下開心 一下不開心
You're wrong when it's right 你錯了硬要說成對的
It's black and it's white 事情是黑的你卻說白的
We fight, we break up 我們吵架然後分手
We kiss, we make up 我們熱吻然後合好
(you)You don't really want to stay, no 其實你一點都不想留在我身邊,喔你不想
(but you)But you don't really want to go-o 但你又不想真的離開
you're hot then you're cold 你一下熱情 一下冷淡
You're yes then you're no 你一下說好 一下說不好
You're in then you're out 你一下這樣一下那樣
You're up then you're down 你一下開心 一下不開心

We used to be 我們以前總是
Just like twins 好的像一對雙胞胎
So in sync 是如此的一致
The same energy 同樣有活力
Now's a dead battery 現在搞得像沒電一樣
Used to laugh bout nothing 過去開心的對無聊小事都能大笑
Now your plain boring 現在的你真是有夠無趣

I should know that 我早該知道
You're not gonna change 你根本不可能改了啦

Someone call the doctor 誰趕快叫醫生來
Got a case of a love bi-polar 我得了愛情的精神分裂症
Stuck on a roller coaster 就像卡在雲霄飛車上一樣
Can't get off this ride 不能趕快脫離出來

You change your mind 你變心
Like a girl changes clothes 就像女孩換衣服


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1.中英翻唱:Sunshine In The Rain 酒吧裡常聽到的英文歌

sunshine in the rain 酒吧裡常聽到的英文歌 演唱者:Bodies without organs(BWO) 日不落英文版 When I'm in Berlin you're off to London When I'm in New York you're doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the...


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  stop crying your heart out

  thank you -dido


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奥斯卡歌曲:I Don't Want To Miss A Thing




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 電影歌曲:Dear Life 《生命摯愛》將我改變

Dear Life 《生命摯愛》將我改變
演唱者:Anthony Hamilton

Anthony Hamilton ,打從10歲稚齡就在教堂唱詩班一展歌唱實力,他一直都是別人眼中明日之星的候選人,1993年啟身前往紐約一圓歌星夢,被當時孕育多名黑人歌手如Mary J Blige、Jodeci等人的超級名廠Uptown Records招攬旗下,1995年原本要幫已經錄好專輯的Anthony發行宣傳,但是唱片公司營運不佳,專輯也隨著公司結束營業而胎死腹中!自己音樂事業在無任何轉機下,轉作嫁於別人專輯當中,其中Donell Jones、Sunshine Anderson、2Pac、Eve、D′Andelo...等歌手暢銷作品,都可發現Anthony的創作與合聲。饒舌超級樂團The Roots排行暢銷名曲Po′ Folks,擔任最重要的演唱橋段,受到葛萊美獎青睞,入圍「最佳饒舌合唱曲」獎項。

Oh my babe


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奥斯卡歌曲:       D     o    n ' t    L     o    s t Your he ad                                            

           D on't Lost Your Head

Shot your mouth off like a kid


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How Deep Is Your Love 你的愛有多深

   1977年格萊美最佳流行組合“比吉斯”(Bee Gees)《你的愛有多深》,好象是深陷愛情中的一方對另一半的詢問:在最幽暗的時刻,你就是引領我的光芒;可是,在你心中,我占著什麼位置?我真的想知道,你要告訴我……




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鄉村音樂:It never rains in southern California

It never rains in southern California 演唱者:Albert Hammond

年,Albert Hammond發行單曲《It never rains in southern California》,

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  1.Taylor Swift - 'You Belong With Me'

  2.Jay Sean - 'Down'

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美國鄉村音樂:Cotton Fields

Cotton fields -  美國鄉村音樂

When I was a little bitty baby當我還是一個嬰兒時
My mama would rock me in the cradle媽媽把我放在搖籃裡搖著我


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Charlie Puth CP查理 - One Call Away愛在咫尺 



I'm only one call away

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I Really Like You《我真的超級無敵喜歡你》 - MAX & Against

I really wanna stop 我真的很希望這感覺快停止

But I just gotta taste for it 但我又如此渴望嚐嚐這美好的滋味

I feel like I could fly with the ball on the moon 我想這樣興奮的情緒甚至能讓我漂浮在月球上

So honey hold my hand you like making me wait for it  所以蜜糖,快握起我的手吧,雖然我知道你總愛讓我等待你的關注

I feel I could die walking up to the room, oh yeah 我覺得我可能會在靠近你的過程中太興奮而消失於人世呀

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棉花糖女孩 梅根崔娜 Meghan Trainor / 給未來的老公 Dear Future Husband 

Dear future husband


Here's a few things you'll need to know if

有幾點事情你必須搞清楚 如果

you wanna be my one and only


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棉花糖女孩 梅根崔娜 Meghan Trainor / 給未來的老公 Dear Future Husband 

Dear future husband


Here's a few things you'll need to know if

有幾點事情你必須搞清楚 如果

you wanna be my one and only


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凱蒂佩芮 Katy Perry - 鍊上節奏 Chained To The Rhythm

[Verse 1: ]
Are we crazy?
Living our lives through a lens

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Daya 黛雅 - Sit Still, Look Pretty 漂亮花瓶

Could dress up 盛裝打扮
To get love 獲得真愛
But guess what? 猜怎麼著
I'm never gonna be that girl 那種女孩不是我的命
Who's living in a Barbie world 住在粉紅夢幻芭比世界

Could wake up 一覺醒來
In make up,濃妝豔抹
And play dumb 耍瘋狂
Pretending that I need a boy 裝作我身邊很缺男人
Who's gonna treat me like a toy 他們全待我如玩物

I know the other girlies wanna wear expensive things 那些女孩都想要高檔貨滿身
Like diamond rings 滿戴鑽戒
But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing on a string 但我不想成為你操縱的傀儡玩偶
This queen don't need a king 這皇后不需要國王

Oh, I don't know what you've been told 我不知道你腦子裡裝什麼
But this gal right here's gonna rule the world 但告訴你 這女孩將主宰全場
Yeah, that is where I'm gonna be because I wanna be 沒錯 那女孩非我莫屬 
No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty 我不想 乖乖坐著 搔首弄姿
You get off on your 9 to 5 朝九晚五 你都魂不在
Dream of picket fences and trophy wives 幻想著美麗圍欄花瓶老婆
But no, I'm never gonna be 'cause I don't wanna be 不 我永遠不會成為
No, I don't wanna sit still look pretty 我永遠不會乖乖成為一個漂亮花瓶

Mr. Right could be nice for one night 完美先生 善待服務 只有一晚
But then he wanna take control 之後他就變成控制狂
And I would rather fly solo 讓我寧願振翅高飛

Then Snow White 白雪公主
She did it right 人生完美
In her life 她的人生
Had 7 men to do the chores 有七個小矮人伺候
'Cause that's not what a lady's for 但這不是現代女人的命運

The only thing a boy's gonna give a girl for free's captivity 一個男孩給女孩的只有無價的囚禁
And I might love me some vanilla but I'm not that sugar sweet 我要的只是淡芳的香草 因為我不是什麼甜心蜜糖
Call me HBIC 快說我腦神經病

Oh, I don't know what you've been told 我不知道你腦子裡裝什麼
But this gal right here's gonna rule the world 但告訴你 這女孩將主宰全場
Yeah, that is where I'm gonna be because I wanna be 沒錯 那女孩非我莫屬 
No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty 我不想 乖乖坐著 搔首弄姿
You get off on your 9 to 5 朝九晚五 你都魂不在
Dream of picket fences and trophy wives 幻想著美麗圍欄花瓶老婆
But no, I'm never gonna be 'cause I don't wanna be 不 我永遠不會成為
No, I don't wanna sit still look pretty 我永遠不會乖乖成為一只漂亮花瓶


Sure, I'm a pretty girl 沒錯 我是漂亮女孩
Up in a pretty world 住在花花世界
But they say pretty hurts 輿論說美麗承擔不起
And I don't wanna sit still 我不想乖乖呆坐
I'm a pretty girl 我是漂亮女孩
Up in a pretty world 住在花花世界
But no, I won't sit still, look pretty 但我不想呆坐在那 像只花瓶

Oh, I don't know what you've been told 我不知道你腦子裡裝什麼
But this gal right here's gonna rule the world 但告訴你 這女孩將主宰全場
Yeah, that is where I'm gonna be because I wanna be 沒錯 那女孩非我莫屬 
No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty 我不想 乖乖坐著 搔首弄姿
You get off on your 9 to 5 朝九晚五 你都魂不在
Dream of picket fences and trophy wives 幻想著美麗圍欄花瓶老婆
But no, I'm never gonna be 'cause I don't wanna be 不 我永遠不會成為
No, I don't wanna sit still look pretty 我永遠不會乖乖成為一只漂亮花瓶

Oh, I don't know what you've been told 我不知道你腦子裡裝什麼
But this gal right here's gonna rule the world 但告訴你 這女孩將主宰全場
Yeah, that is where I'm gonna be because I wanna be 沒錯 那女孩非我莫屬 
No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty 我不想 乖乖坐著 搔首弄姿
You get off on your 9 to 5 朝九晚五 你都魂不在
Dream of picket fences and trophy wives 幻想著美麗圍欄花瓶老婆
But no, I'm never gonna be 'cause I don't wanna be 不 我永遠不會成為
No, I don't wanna sit still look pretty 我永遠不會乖乖成為一只漂亮花瓶

Sit still, look pretty [4X] 乖乖坐那 像只花瓶


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