Darker Than the Light That Never Bleeds
Don't you hold your breath cause I'm not coming down
The battlefields have left me only scars
I'm floating in the dark I'm swimming in the sound
我在黑暗中徘徊 我在紛雜中游蕩
Of voices that should never been apart
Darker than the blood, darker than the blood
暗跡如血 暗跡歃血
Higher than the sun, higher than the sun
暗中生光 耀如金光
This is not the end, this is not the end
還沒結束 不絕回響
You are not the only one, you are not the only one
與我同寂 孤獨消除
The nights go on waiting for a light that never comes
長夜綿延 希望之光要否降臨?
I chase the sun waiting for a light that never comes
於心逐日 希望之光要否降臨?
Ah oh Ah oh Ah oh, Waiting for a light that never comes
Put your hands together, put your hands together
雙手交叉 手捧十字