What I've Done-linkin park
In this farewell, there's no blood, there's no alibi.
在這最后的道別里 沒有殺戮流血 沒有辯解謊言
Cause I've drawn regret, from the truth, of a thousand lies.
我已獻上我的懺悔 在無以彌補的謊言之中找到真相
So let mercy come, and wash away...what I've done,
讓寬容降臨 憐憫重生 淨化洗滌過去的我
I'll face myself, to cross out what I've become,
面對自我 將過去的我毀滅
Erase myself, and let go of what I've done.
讓自己歸零 埋葬過去的我
Put to rest, what you thought of me.
你所祈求的一切 你所熟悉的我
While I clean this slate, with the hands of uncertainty
So let mercy come, and wash away...what I've done,
讓寬容降臨 憐憫重生 淨化洗滌過去的我
I'll face myself, to cross out what I've become,
我會面對自己將過去的我 毀滅
Erase myself, and let go of what I've done.
讓自己歸零 埋葬過去的我
For what I've done, I start again.
對於自己的過去 重新啟程
And whatever pain may come, today this ends,
無論之后有多痛苦 都將在今天終結
I'm forgiving...what I've done,
I'll face myself, to cross out what I've become,
我會面對自己將過去的我 毀滅
Erase myself, and let go of what I've done.
讓自己歸零 埋葬過去的我
What I've done,forgiving what I've done.