Burn It Down-linkin park
The cycle repeated as explosions broke in the sky
命運證明它重復着 當爆炸在天空出現時
All that i needed was the one thing i coudn't find
And you were there at the turn waiting to let me know
We're Building it Up to break it back down
我們建立起世界 再將它徹底摧毀
We're building it up to burn it down
我們建立起世界 再把它化作火光,燃燒殆盡
We can't wait to burn it to the ground
似乎迫不及待般地 要將它燒毀化為塵土
The colors conflicted as the flames climb in to the clouds
隨着升騰的烈焰攀入云端 鮮血,白骨,灰塵,火光,交錯堆疊
I wanted to fix this but coudn't stop from tearing it down
我想修理彌補這一切 但無法停止將它撕裂破壞
And you were there at the turn caught in the burning glow
而你站在那兒 站在那燃燒的火光之中
And i was there at the turn waiting to let you know
而我在那里等候 等着要讓你明白:
We're Building it Up to break it back down
我們建立起世界 再將它徹底摧毀
We're building it up to burn it down
我們建立起世界 再把它化作火光,燃燒殆盡
We can't wait to Burn it to the ground
似乎迫不及待般地 要將它燒毀化為塵土
You told me Yes, You held me high
你給我肯定的答案 你高高將我舉起
And i believed when you told that lie
I played soldier, You played king
我當士兵 你做國王
And struck me down when i kissed that ring
You lost that right, To hold that crown
I build you up but you let me down
我協助你登上高峰 但你卻讓我失望
So when you fall, I'll take my turn
and fan the flames and your blazes burn
And you were there at the turn waiting to let me know
而你就在那兒 等着和我攤牌說
We're Building it Up to break it back down
我們建立起世界 再將它徹底摧毀
We're building it up to burn it down
我們建立起世界 再把它化作火光,燃燒殆盡
We can't wait to burn it to the ground
似乎迫不及待般地 要將它燒毀化為塵土
When you fall,I'll take my turn
所以當你失蹄時 我將伺機而動
And fan the flames and your blazes burn
而當你惹火上身時 我會扇風助燃
We can't wait to burn it to the ground
似乎迫不及待般地 要將它燒毀化為塵土
When you fall,I'll take my turn
所以當你失蹄時 我將釆取行動
And fan the flames and your blazes burn
而當你惹火上身時 我會扇風助燃
We can't wait to burn it to the ground
似乎迫不及待般地 要將它燒毀化為塵土